Crystals and their meanings….
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown
Element: Wind
Zodiacs: Aquarius, Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn
Healing properties: A protective stone that guards one from negative energy and psychic attacks. Accelerates the development of psychic abilities and intuition. Effective in overcoming addictions and compulsive behaviors, bringing self-awareness and healing.
abalone shell
Chakras: Heart, Crown, Third Eye
Element: Water
Zodiacs: Pisces, Cancer
Healing properties: Promotes deep emotional healing and is a gentle companion for survivors of traumatic experiences. Has a soothing effect on the mind and body. In some cultures, wearing Abalone is believed to bring good luck, abundance, and prosperity.
black obsidian
Chakra: Root
Elements: Earth, Fire
Zodiacs: Scorpio, Sagittarius
Healing properties: A very powerful protection stone that brings great mental strength. Forms a shield around one's aura, protecting one from negative energy and influences. Aids the release of addictive behaviors and dissolves emotional blockages.
blue apatite
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat
Element: Wind
Zodiacs: Gemini, Pisces
Healing properties: A stone of manifestation that improves ambition, motivation, and self-confidence, and stimulates creativity and imagination. Believed to be one of the most effective stones to curb appetite, stimulate metabolism, improve self-discipline, and aid weight loss.
botswana agate
Chakras: Crown, Third Eye
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Scorpio
Healing properties: Believed to be one of the most effective stones to assist those who are on a journey to overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors and addictions, especially smoking. It is believed that one may experience a sudden spiritual awakening when working closely with this stone.
caribbean calcite
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Etheric
Elements: Water, Earth
Zodiacs: Cancer, Virgo
Healing properties: A combination of Blue Calcite and Aragonite. Its soothing energy helps balance the mind, creating space for peaceful thoughts. Activates psychic abilities, provides enhanced dream insight, and facilitates lucid dreaming.
Chakras: Root, Sacral
Element: Fire
Zodiacs: Aries, Leo, Libra
Healing properties: Has a joyful and uplifting energy as it possesses healing properties of the sun. Helps one look to the future with hope, excitement, and optimism. Recognized as a stone of individuality, self-confidence, and manifestation, helping one rapidly attract abundance into their life.
Chakras: Root, Sacral
Zodiacs: Taurus, Sagittarius
Healing properties: Copper can conduct electrical impulses and magnify the energy transfer, from the healer or from minerals, to the subject of the healing.
Copper can combat lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability, and non-acceptance of oneself. It stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy, and independence.
desert rose selenite
Chakras: All
Elements: Earth, Wind, Water
Zodiacs: All
Healing properties: A natural stone formed from a combination of water, sand, and wind. Considered a lucky stone as it combines the powers of Father Sky and Mother Earth. Believed to be effective in soothing symptoms of phobias, especially claustrophobia.
Green moss agate
Chakras: Heart, Root
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
Healing properties: A stone of stability, making it effective for those who experience frequent mood swings. Believed to help correct imbalances between the left and right side of the brain. Has strong grounding energies due to its deep connection to Earth.
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Capricorn
Healing properties: A high vibrational stone of grounding and protection. Acts as a gentle companion for anyone healing from trauma or depression. Provides pain relief and alleviates tension headaches. Jet is recognized as a stone of luck, making it a great gift for anyone starting a new endeavor.
Lapis Lazuli
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat
Element: Wind
Zodiacs: Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Healing properties: Reveals one's truth and allows for self-expression without holding back. Facilitates the acceptance of situations we cannot change. Stimulates wisdom, courage, and authenticity, making it excellent for those in leadership positions.
Leopardite jasper
Chakras: Heart, Root
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Leo, Scorpio, Virgo
Healing properties: Known as the 'supreme nurturer', it is believed to be beneficial for those suffering with chronic health conditions. Has long been favored by shamans as it helps one connect with the animal kingdom and work with their spirit animals.
Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Capricorn
Healing properties: A powerful stone of self-transformation that amplifies positive and negative energies. When placed on the third eye chakra, it can assist in receiving insights from the subconscious mind. Eases heartache and promotes deep emotional healing.
The mini Chakra Vial is a small vial with one of each of the Chakra Stones consisting of Red Jasper, Tigers Eye, Citrine, Green Aventurine, Sodalite, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz.
orthoceras fossil
Facts : Orthoceras were the ancestors of the nautilus family. Today, the nautilus family includes octopus, squid, and cuttlefish. These species are fairly common, curious, and very intelligent.
• They grew their own shell
• Could grow up to 14 feet long!
• Average size was 10 inches long
• Orthoceras fossils can be found all over the world...even Antartica!
• They could shoot ink just like an octopus if they needed to escape!
• They lived around 370 million years ago!
Peacock ore • Chalcopyrite
Chakras: All
Element: Storm
Zodiac: Capricorn
Healing properties: Has long been used by shamans and reiki healers to remove energy blockages within each chakra. It is associated with new beginnings and can aid one in finding their purpose, making it an ideal stone for anyone feeling stuck in life and looking for a sudden change.
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Leo
Healing properties: Carries powerful vibrations of strength and willpower, and encourages one to eliminate negative habits. Recognized as a stone of luck and manifestation, helping one rapidly attract what they desire. Forms a protective shield around one's aura, guarding one from negative energy.
rainbow moonstone
Chakras: All
Element: Water
Zodiac: Cancer
Healing properties: A powerful emotional healer that is recommended for those who carry old emotional wounds. Aids in eliminating self-doubt and fear, and encourages one to take on new opportunities. Forms a shield around the aura, protecting one from negative energy and psychic attacks.
rose quartz
Chakra: Heart
Element: Water
Zodiacs: Taurus, Libra
Healing properties: Opens the heart to promote love of oneself and others. Promotes healthy and harmonious relationships of all kinds, and can be an effective stone for attracting new love. Strengthens qualities of patience and sensitivity, and aids the acceptance of necessary change.
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Cancer, Scorpio Capricorn
Healing properties: A very protective stone that counteracts the harmful effects of EMFs and radiation from electronic devices. Cleanses and reinvigorates each chakra, removes toxins from the body, and reduces inflammation and pain in the body.
snowflake obsidian
Chakras: Root, Third Eye
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo
Healing properties: Purifies and strengthens the mind, allowing one to overcome negative thought patterns and destructive habits. Aids in past-life recall and recovering deeply held subconscious memories. Can help one find light in the darkness and tune into their spiritual guidance.
tigers eye
Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus
Elements: Earth, Fire
Zodiacs: Leo, Capricorn
Healing properties: Enhances focus and willpower, giving one the courage to step out of their comfort zone. Amplifies the energies of other crystals as well as one's intentions, making it a powerful manifestation tool. Helps one feel self-empowered and reduces the need for approval from others.
Chakra: Third Eye
Element: Wind
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Healing properties: Eases symptoms of anxiety and depression, and promotes emotional balance. Boosts self-esteem, enhances creativity, and restores one's confidence in their abilities. Place in a group setting, such as an office, to promote harmony, cooperation, and teamwork.
white jade
Chakra: Crown
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Libra, Pisces
Healing properties: A stone of peace, calmness, and clarity. Gently raises one's consciousness and cleanses the aura of negative energy. Reduces the chances of feeling overwhelmed when awakening to the spiritual world. Its soothing vibration calms anxiety and helps one experience a peaceful sleep.
black tourmaline
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Capricorn
Healing properties: A very effective grounding stone, helping one feel safe, secure, and purposeful. Protective against psychic attacks, spells, evil spirits, and negative energy. It is recommended to be worn by anyone living or working in uncomfortable and negative environments.
blue calcite
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat
Elements: Air, Fire
Zodiac: Cancer
Healing properties: Excellent stone for empaths as it allows those who are sensitive to the energies of others to not feel so overwhelmed. Forms a protective shield around one's aura and softens the impact of psychic stimuli. Beneficial for anyone suffering with anxiety due to its calming effect.
Chakras: Sacral, Root
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Leo
Healing properties: Has a gentle, soothing vibration that encourages a polite nature in people. An effective stone for those who assist the public daily, helping them remain calm and patient under stress. Acts as a wonderful muscle relaxant that helps release built-up tension in the body.
Chakras: Root, Sacral
Element: Fire
Zodiacs: Cancer, Leo, Taurus, Virgo
Healing properties: A high energy stone that restores vitality and increases motivation. Stimulates creativity and brings out undiscovered talents. Gives one the self-confidence and willpower to achieve success in business and other pursuits.
chakra wands
Muladhara Chakra, Root Chakra, Red Jasper
Svadhishthana Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Tiger Eye
Manipura Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Citrine
Anahata Chakra, Heart Chakra, Aventurine
Vishuddha Chakra, Throat Chakra, Sodalite
Ajna Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Amethyst
clear quartz
Chakras: All
Element: Storm
Zodiacs: All
Healing properties: One of the most powerful stones available, often referred to as a 'master healer'. Excellent for concentration as it improves mental clarity, enabling one to focus and think clearly. Amplifies the energies of other stones and can be programmed to manifest any intention.
flower agate
Chakras: Heart, Root
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo
Healing properties: The best analogy to describe the energy flowing from Flower Agate is "from seed to blossom", as it enables one to grow and reach their full potential. Ignites a sense of passion, self-confidence, and enthusiasm, and inspires one to manifest their dreams and desires.
green aventurine
Chakra: Heart
Elements: Earth, Water
Zodiacs: Aries, Leo
Healing properties: Helps one rapidly manifest prosperity, abundance, and career success. Beneficial stone for those in leadership positions as it promotes qualities of authenticity, confidence, and decisiveness. Heals painful emotions, particularly those experienced during childhood.
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Aries, Aquarius
Healing properties: Enhances courage and boldness, and is said to be very beneficial for women who are timid and afraid of speaking their truth. Effective for calming an overactive and scattered mind. Believed to relieve chronic pain as it maintains the charge of nerve cells in the body.
Lava stone
Chakra: Root
Elements: Earth, Fire
Zodiacs: Taurus, Scorpio
Healing properties: One of the oldest stones in existence created from the raw energies of fire and earth erupting under intense pressure. As volcanoes are considered a symbolic sign of creation, this stone is a powerful tool of rebirth and transformation, inspiring one to make their dreams a reality.
Chakras: Heart, Third Eye, Crown
Element: Water
Zodiacs: Libra, Pisces
Healing properties: An excellent stone for stabilizing emotions as it contains a high amount of natural lithium which is used in many anxiety medications. Aids in overcoming emotional dependency and helps treat bipolar disorder, social anxiety, and ADHD.
orange calcite
Chakras: Solar Plexus, Sacral
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Cancer
Healing properties: Effective in healing emotional issues related to wounds to one's creativity or sexuality. Enhances self-confidence and promotes the expression of creativity. Provides one with insights for dealing with creative blocks. Assists in overcoming feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and lethargy.
palo santo
The mini Chakra Vial is a small vial with one of each of the Chakra Stones consisting of Red Jasper, Tigers Eye, Citrine, Green Aventurine, Sodalite, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz.
palo santo
How to Use: Hold over a flame until smoking, walk through your space you wish to cleanse letting the smoke waft throughout the room.
Healing properties: Palo Santo means “holy wood” and is best known for its ability to add positivity to your space.
Palo Santo Prayer: "I cleanse myself, this space, and the people within of all negative thoughts and energy. May only energies of love, light, and peace surround me and this place. "
rainbow flourite
Chakras: All
Element: Wind
Zodiacs: Libra, Pisces
Healing properties: Ideal stone for overcoming procrastination and disorganization, giving one the motivation to complete tasks. Enhances mental clarity and helps one ground their thoughts. Improves self-discipline and encourages one to incorporate structure into their life.
red jasper
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Libra, Scorpio
Healing properties: An ancient and sacred stone that imparts strength during times of physical and emotional stress. Promotes a sense of justice and gives one the courage to stand up for what is right. Increases libido, promotes fertility, and supports those recovering from an illness or injury.
Chakras: Heart, Root
Elements: Earth, Fire
Zodiacs: Leo, Taurus
Healing properties: Has a soft, nurturing energy that encourages one to engage in behaviors that help others in need. Promotes forgiveness and acceptance of others and dissolves feelings of resentment. Assists one in discovering their life purpose and gives one the confidence to learn new skills.
How to Use: Hold over a flame until smoking, walk clockwise around the room wafting smoke around all openings and surfaces.
Healing properties: Dried sage is burned as a way to heal, protect, increase wisdom, and boost defense against disease.
Sage Prayer: "May your hands be cleansed, that they create beautiful things. May your feet be cleansed, that they might take you where you most need to be. May your heart be cleansed, that you might hear its messages clearly."
Chakras: Crown, Third Eye
Element: Wind
Zodiac: Taurus
Healing properties: Instills a sense of deep peace, making it effective for meditation or spiritual work. Cleanses the aura and protects one from negative influences. Enhances thought clarity and assists spiritual insight. Can be used to form a protective grid around a home or sacred space.
smokey quartz
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Healing properties: One of the most powerful grounding stones due to its deep connection with the Earth. Clears away feelings of hopelessness, making it an effective stone for anyone with depression. Believed to relieve chronic pain, back tension, and migraines.
tree agate
Chakras: Root, Heart
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo
Healing properties: A stone of tranquility and inner peace that instills a deep appreciation for nature. Promotes mental, physical, and spiritual growth. Helps one connect their conscious self with the angelic realms, and can also be used to attract nature spirits to serve as guides.
yellow jasper
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Leo
Healing properties: An uplifting stone that is recommended for anyone who needs a positive boost of energy. Helps one build new friendships and attract like-minded people into their life. Stimulates creativity and encourages one to complete tasks and projects they have been delaying.
white howlite
Chakra: Crown
Element: Wind
Zodiacs: Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio
Healing properties: An extremely calming and soothing stone that allows one to enter a deep meditative state. Brings greater gentleness, empathy, and compassion when dealing with others and relieves feelings of frustration and impatience.